A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

A dream becomes true

church weddings
by Doris Wallner

Church weddings

From traditional to fairytale

The church wedding is still the long-awaited highlight for many couples. The festively decorated church, the entry with the beautiful white dress, the fine sounds, the loving texts, the entire ceremony not only makes the girls’ eyes shine. This is where families and friends come together.

It is easiest to organize the church wedding in your own hometown. You know each other and know about the customs. However, if you are not from ‘here’ and still want to get married in the Salzburg region, and perhaps even unite different denominations, you will certainly be glad to have a professional who helps with the organization. The selection of the various places of worship alone can be challenging (size, customs, driveway, parking facilities, sacristy, etc.).

As wedding planners, we are the link between the bride and groom, pastor, music, sacristan, decorator, photographer… We take care of the process, including the church booklet, the seating arrangement, moving out and moving in, the agape… yes, even the parking spaces. And if the weather, health or other unforeseeable things don’t cooperate, we always have a plan B at hand.
